There was so much passion at this wedding--from the music to the shoes to of course, each other. These two know how to dress, throw a party and were not afraid to get up in front of all of their guests to preform a dance number or sing a tune. From the ceremony to the reception, these two were inspired by the hit show Glee to preform throughout their entire wedding day. It was entertaining to say the least!
The clouds were hovering around Newcastle Golf Course that day, but their sunny color palette of orange and teal sure brought sunshine to the entire wedding. We had fun weaving their colors through their floral and decor as it was so similar to the Amber & Ocean color palette we created for the Summer 2010 Seattle Bride Magazine issue.
It always happens...a bride and groom just have to have that special something for their wedding... and Anthony and Rina from Infused Studios were that something for Karen and Sam.
They so incredible to work with -- what talented and passionate photographers they are! I can see why Karen and Sam flew them all the way from Edmonton, Canada for their big day. These destination wedding photographers were on top of their game all night long...take a look...

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