So I just finished up coordinating a Turkish wedding and I can't wait to share the photos. Best genre of music ever by the way! During that entire reception DJ DaMarr from Wave Link Music and I were trying to contain ourselves--we just wanted to bust out and dance with everyone!
Until the photo debut I wanted to share one of the favors they gave to their guests. Each guest received a box filled with Turkish Baklava. Adorning the ribbon that was tied around the box was a bead like the one pictured below. This is called an 'Evil Eye.' A traditional bead/charm from Turkey and Greece.

It started me thinking on envy and jealousy. It is everywhere. If something good happens to you, such as, you loose a bunch of weight, you fall in love, get married, become wealthy, have a baby, etc--undoubtedly there is someone that is jealous of your good fortune. I know you should strive to never be jealous of anyone else, but never really thought having protection from someones jealous thoughts hurting you--but they can very much.
Just an interesting tradition I thought I'd share...looking forward to sharing more cultural traditions as this wedding season unfolds. We have so many weddings of different cultures this year!
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